
common grade中文是什么意思

  • 共通职系
  • 普通等级



  • 例句与用法
  • Should some or all of the current general common grades staff be departmentalised to facilitate department - based management
  • Under the campaign , jewellery traders will be encouraged to ride on the widely recognised industry standards and use common grading standards in product descriptions
  • Employment of contract staff was arranged to cope with posts where replacements are required . by the end of december 2001 , 190 posts in departmental and common grades had been deleted under the vr scheme
  • 1 common grade of lumber - grades at least 66 . 66 % clear in cuttings 3 " wide by 3 ' long or 4 " wide by 4 ' long minimum . minimum 3 " wide by 4 ' long
    符合美国硬木协会要求的板材等级:普通1级,至少66 。 66 %表面干净, 3英寸宽以上, 3英尺长以上;或4英寸宽以上, 4英尺长以上。最小尺寸是3英寸宽和4英尺长。
  • With the prerequisite of meeting requirement of its working performance , the mix design of common grades can be concluded though strength test if we check various property of the said concrete with the certain mix design , such as compressive strength , tensile strength , elastic modulus , reinforcement wrapping strength , leakage resistance , shrink property and charring resistance , and compare them with property of ordinary concrete , we will find that the various dynamic property of self - densifying high performance concrete is very satisfactory and the durability is quite ideal
  • 推荐英语阅读
common grade的中文翻译,common grade是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译common grade,common grade的中文意思,common grade的中文common grade in Chinesecommon grade的中文common grade怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
